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Showing posts from February, 2024

Seachdain na Gàidhlig (Gaelic Week)

fèorag ghlas Tha e Seachdain na Gàidhlig. An seachdain seo tha tachartais timcheall Alba a' comharrachadh uile rudan Gàidhlig. Tha tachartais air loidhne. Gabh beachd air iadsan. Seachdain na Gàidhlig air Loidhne Dè Chanas Sibhse? le Linda NicLeòid sneachd It is Gaelic Week, This week there are events around Scotland celebrating all things Gaelic. There are events online. Take a look at them. Gaelic Week Online What Do You Call It? with Linda NicLeòid

The Late Winter Forest

 We're just into February and the forest is deep in the slumber of winter, or is it? As I take my weekly walk, I can see little buds on the branches. These will be the new leaves of the spring, very slowly building their strength. There are little surprises too as snowdrops and what looks like out of season harebells blossom among the bare dark trees. I've no idea what these magenta berries are but they stand out glowing against the winter forest.