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Showing posts from March, 2024

Hello, Summer ... are you out there?

Yesterday it felt warm (double figures Celsius). So we opened up the Summer House. Inside we had a balmy 11°C, which even Ann felt was warm as it's been so cold outside this Spring. We had a lovely half hour or so, enjoying the visiting bird and animal life and the sunshine and scudding clouds. Then the clouds stopped scudding and started gathering. We went inside again and left the world to the rain and wind. It's raining again today but we still have hope. 😁

The Art Of The Storyteller

Tonight we had our last storytelling session of the winter. Once a month we gathered around Simon, our seanchaidh, to hear ancient stories from around the world. Tales of the Celts and the Norse, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. And where else would you tell such stories but in a mead hall or a pub? After the summer break we will gather again in the Riverside Tap and share tales of entertainment and meaning. This time we had the tale of the Dog-headed Warrior of Canaan and two tales of the Feanna of Ireland. The tales of Fionn MacCumhaill and his warrior friends were especially apt as we had our Hebridean friend Mairi with us. She can remember that, in her grandfather's time, the storyteller would come to visit the neighbourhood and tell those same stories, but in GĂ idhlig. We can keep the stories over the spring and summer by visiting Simon's digital storybook. He has put a number of great tales on his Youtube channel at . So ...