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Showing posts from July, 2024

The Wedding

Being a proud parent continues. Two weeks ago, Simon married the love of his life, Hila. It was a wonderful Scottish-Jewish ceremony and celebration full of happiness. For reference to the family, I'm posting my speech and our Lucy's poem. For Simon and Hila 4 July 2024 Firstly, congratulations to Simon and Hila. It's just wonderful to look around the room and see so many people that love and support these two and I am very happy that their future is assured in such good company. So, as the senior Toner here today, let me wish you all and especially the Chenzbrauns, "Ceud mìle fàilte gar theaghlach." Those of you who have crossed the border to get here today will maybe recognise the first bit from the road signs and the airport posters: "a hundred thousand welcomes." But it's not just the country that welcomes you, I welcome all of you to our now extended family, "ur theaghlach." And I offer my apologies to the native Gàidhlig speaker...