For Simon and Hila
4 July 2024
Firstly, congratulations to Simon and Hila. It's just wonderful to look around the room and see so many people that love and support these two and I am very happy that their future is assured in such good company.
So, as the senior Toner here today, let me wish you all and especially the Chenzbrauns, "Ceud mìle fàilte gar theaghlach."
Those of you who have crossed the border to get here today will maybe recognise the first bit from the road signs and the airport posters: "a hundred thousand welcomes." But it's not just the country that welcomes you, I welcome all of you to our now extended family, "ur theaghlach."
And I offer my apologies to the native Gàidhlig speakers here for my learner's Glaswegian Gàidhlig accent.
Just this past weekend, I was expressing my parental pride in our talented offspring Simon as he performed with his new band, delighted that all the years of support and encouragement have paid off in his chosen career. But today I like to think that we've managed to impart a good dose of common sense to him too as he has shown great wisdom in marrying Hila.
Ceud mìle fàilte a Hila cuideachd. I'm delighted that I can now call Hila my daughter-in-law.
Sadly, Simon's grandmas were both unable to come along today. They send their congratulations too and we'll be bringing the pictures and the stories back to them over the next week or so.
More sadly, we would have loved it if Simon's sister Lucy could have seen this day. She would have had plenty to say and would have wanted to get involved in planning the party. A keen artist, she and Hila would have got along very well. I hope she is here in spirit to wish us all well.
As one of the two dads, I feel I should offer some parental advice to the young couple. However, they are both wise beyond their years, and maybe don't need this old guy's platitudes.
Anyway, I'll have a go. Ann and I have been through many joys and much sadness in all our years together. However, when we share the joys together, they are multiplied, and, when we share the sadness together, it is divided.
May you have much more joy than sadness and many years to be joyful together, Simon and Hila.
Wish Upon A Star
by Lucy Toner
Destroy all your hopes and dreams for love.
Open up your heart to new ideas and possibilities.
Don’t say no straight off.
Give them a chance.
Take a leap of faith.
Be brave.
Risk it all.
Because it is all worth the sacrifice to find love.
Wish upon a star,
Put it in your pocket.
One day, when you’ve forgotten all about it,
Take it out,
Blow on it, whisking away all the old fairy dust.
It’s like it’s sparkling new.
All that glitters is gold.
Kiss it.
Throw it up into the air.
Close your eyes.
Make that wish.
Open your eyes and open up your heart.
Watch as your star shoots across the sky.
A shooting star.
Now go out and make your dream come true.
Drown your misgivings,
Take hold of faith,
Kiss forgiveness,
Hug mortality.
Take a deep breath.
Breathe in love,
And hold his hand.
Kiss a stranger.
Ask one out.
Hug someone you don’t know.
Say hi to another.
Chat to an unknown soul.
Give something to someone else.
...and the excerpt as read by Ann.
Wish Upon A Star
by Lucy Toner
Drown your misgivings,
Take hold of faith,
Kiss forgiveness,
Hug mortality.
Take a deep breath.
Breathe in love,
And hold their hand.
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